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Dr. Marie Alatalo has appeared in concerts throughout the United States and Japan, capturing attention with a repertoire embracing both classical and contemporary literature.   She has been heard in Chicago at such popular venues as Mayne Stage, Music Institute of Chicago, Chopin Theater, Pick-Staiger, Pianoforte, and more.  Her interest in contemporary music has resulted in performances of works by Bolcom, Rzewski, and others, and includes Chicago premieres of Lee Hoiby’s piano quartet “Dark Rosaleen” and George Crumb’s “Sun and Shadow” with singer Barbara Martin.  Her performance of George Crumb’s Makrokosmos, Book 1 at the Music Institute brought critical acclaim, describing Alatalo as having “a special sort of pianistic, and extra-pianistic, virtuosity”.  She began learning and performing the music of George Crumb at the Eastman School of Music and continued with recitals and lectures at the Chautauqua Institution, WFMT radio, the People’s Music School and more.   She received additional coaching on Crumb’s works with Jeff Jacob (Makrokosmos I) and George Crumb (Five Pieces for Piano, Eleven Echoes of Autumn). 

Her recordings, available on streaming services, include “Sonatas”, featuring the genre from Scarlatti through Prokofiev, the complete Chopin Preludes, supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, and a third project with pieces by American composers.  She can be heard on the SONY release, “Live in Osaka”, with the Eastman Wind Ensemble, playing Joseph Schwantner’s “… and the mountains rising nowhere”.

Alatalo is the recipient of numerous awards and competition prizes, including fellowships to the Chautauqua Institution and the Eastman School of Music and funding from City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.  She was awarded both music and academic scholarships for her university and conservatory studies. 

Alatalo’s distinguished teaching career was recently recognized by the Royal Conservatory of Music with a Teacher of Distinction award.  She is a member of the Conservatory’s College of Examiners and is named as a Founding Teacher in the US.  She is a former faculty member of the Interlochen Center for the Arts and currently is on the Artist Faculty of the Music Institute of Chicago.

In addition, Alatalo has worked in various producing and administrative roles.  She designed and produced concert series both as Managing/Artistic Director of Mostly Music Chicago and Founder/Artistic Director of the much-loved Batavia Classics, in the western suburb of Chicago.  Featured artists included the Vermeer Quartet, members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and guest musicians from around the US and beyond.  She was a leader in organizing the Emilio del Rosario Foundation’s Concerto Competition at the Studebaker Theater in Chicago.  Alatalo opened the first Chicago examination center for the Royal Conservatory of Music, shepherding them to their current home at Symphony Center.   She currently is the Director of the Chicago campus of the Music Institute of Chicago. 

Alatalo was raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, graduated from the Interlochen Arts Academy and the University of Michigan, and earned the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Eastman School of Music, where she was Teaching Assistant to Rebecca Penneys. 

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Dedicated Experienced Inspired

Marie Alatalo has taught piano for over 30 years. Her primary goals are to provide consistently expert teaching and to help students realize their unique musical voice.

Students of Marie Alatalo learn the rudiments of music and the basics of harmony. The piano is approached with a natural hand position and a technique that focuses on flexibility. Students are introduced to productive practice procedures and are trained to become self-sufficient pianists. Encouragement is given to make piano and music a part of everyday life, enjoy lessons and transfer the self-discipline and confidence gained in piano study to other parts of life.  Dr. Alatalo holds advanced teaching certification for the RCM Certificate Program. 

Students are invited to share their musical talent in performances at a variety of venues.  Past recitals have been held at the Self-Help Home/Chicago, Friend Center/Deerfield, Evanston Hospital, Driehaus Museum and others. Students of Marie Alatalo have won various competition prizes and attended summer programs at the Interlochen Arts Camp, Chautauqua Institution and Northwestern University.

Bringing her teaching beyond the studio, Alatalo has guest lectured at the Chautauqua Institution, on board the “River Countess” which sails from Budapest to Amsterdam, and presented lecture recitals for both regional and state divisions of MTNA.  She has written for and been the subject of articles published by “Clavier” magazine. 

Dr. Alatalo teaches at her home studio in Evanston and is on the Artist Faculty of the Music Institute of Chicago.  Lessons are available both in-person and using the Zoom format, allowing her to teach students from around the world.  For rates and availability, contact